Working with adolescents and youths especially boys and men on issues related to substance abuse goes beyond just awareness raising especially for those affected or suffering from substance disorder. The introduction of E-Ciggerrete has even triggered more adolescents and youth into becoming addicts and this also is a new leeway into the consumption of hard drugs within student zones not undermining the effect of the conflict in the NWSW on these adolescents and youths.
One key way of helping the youths out of this situation is by considering their mental states and effectively working with them to change their mindset. It is for these reasons that the Executive Director of the Mike Yanou Foundation is currently representing the organisation as she takes a short course on *Mental Health Leadership Programme* sponsored by Africa CDC and hosted by the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Mental Health, Neurosciences and Substance Abuse at the University of Ibadan Nigeria.
This is another milestone for the organisation as we continue to strengthen our capacity in the field of Mental health and Psychosocial support to better service our communities in need