Parenting session Jules Peteers Buea

Parenting sessions are opportunities where parents and caregivers of different backgrounds and experiences come together to discuss and exchange ideas and tips on how to raise healthy, happy, and successful children. The meetings also provide information and resources on various topics related to parenting, such as child development, nutrition, hygiene, discipline, communication, and safety.

The Executive Director of the Mike Yanou Foundation Nicholine Awumbom Musi was present at Jules Peteers Buea in April 2024 during the Parents Teachers Association meeting to educate parents and students on some vital aspects when it comes to parenting. During this period, parents could share some of their challenges especially when raising the boy child.

Through a participatory approach, we looked at some causes of those challenges and best practices in handling such challenges. The session was attended by 80 students and 25 parents. Parents were encouraged to have conversations with their children from time to time to help build a strong bond in the family.